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M33 Northwest Quadrant Blink Comparator

Installed 02 Jul 2005. Latest update 09 Aug 2005.

M33 Northwest Quadrant Blink Comparator (Expanded)
Images being compared: Humason 1922(1), Pilato 2003(2)

M33 Blink Comparators by Quadrant
Northwest - Northeast - Southeast - Southwest


(1) van Maanen, A., "Investigations on Proper Motion - Tenth Paper: Internal Motion in the Spiral Nebula Messier 33, N.G.C. 598" - ApJ 57, 264-278 (1923) - NADS - (van Maanen's Plate XV is an annotated version of Milton Humason's 1922 photograph of M33.)

(2) 2003 Photograph courtesy of Dark Star Images by Tony Pilato. Image has been rotated 50.5 degrees clockwise to place North at the top. (More angle "tweaking" may be needed.)